Christian Carnival Entry Info
From Kim Bloomer at Sharing Spirit:
Title of your Blog
URL of your Blog
Title of your post
URL linking to that post
Description of the post
Remember to put "Christian Carnival entry" in the subject of the email so it isn't overlooked.
[IMPORTANT UPDATE: There may be some sort of a glich so that the host listed in these instructions won't be able to host the carnival. If you sent an entry to the addresses listed above, will you resend it to ChristianCarnival ATT gmail DOTT com? If the regular host can't do it, Dory at Wittenberg Gate will post the carnival instead.]
So far I've gotten three great articles to post for my turn at hosting Christian Carnival this week. If you'd like me to post your article, please either send it to my channel at here or to my email at Kim ATT aspenbloomnutrition Dott com.No deadline is given, but it'd be some time Tuesday evening. Why not find something you've posted since the last Christian Carnival (that'd be since last Wednesday morning) and enter? Here's what you need to send to Kim:
I'm sure my readers will enjoy something different and new on Sharing Spirit.
Title of your Blog
URL of your Blog
Title of your post
URL linking to that post
Description of the post
Remember to put "Christian Carnival entry" in the subject of the email so it isn't overlooked.
[IMPORTANT UPDATE: There may be some sort of a glich so that the host listed in these instructions won't be able to host the carnival. If you sent an entry to the addresses listed above, will you resend it to ChristianCarnival ATT gmail DOTT com? If the regular host can't do it, Dory at Wittenberg Gate will post the carnival instead.]
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