Thursday, September 8

Round the Sphere Again

Somehow I skipped my link round-up last week, which means some of these are older than usual, but they're all good. I promise.

  • Here's this week's Christian Carnival at Technogypsy.

  • J. Mark Bertrand's story, Midafternoon Apocalypse, is in the The New Pantagruel. Go read.

  • Learn something constructive from a curmudgeon: Basic Logical Principles Required for Apologetics

  • On biblical ambiguity, from Better Bibles Blog: Did the biblical authors write ambiguously? and What is ambiguity? And then there's this discussion of an example of an ambiguous text.

  • From Tim Irvin: Meet Jaran Beudreaux.

  • Jollyblogger has a link to an article by John Frame: Machen's Warrior Children. Yes, it is long, but it's very interesting.
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