Friday, September 22

Quiz: Christ's Work

A little quiz on the biblical words used to describe the work of Christ. In each case, the question is asking about the particular emphasis of a word--what aspects of Christ's atoning work does this specific word bring out, in contrast to other words used in scripture to describe other aspects of the atonement.

1. The word redemption, as used to describe what Christ accomplished on the cross, focuses particularly on
  • a. the averting of God's wrath toward sin.
  • b. the cross being a payment made in order to buy freedom.
  • c. the sinner's natural state as a slave to sin.
  • d. all of the above.
  • e. b and c above.
2. The word reconciliation, as used to describe what Christ accomplished on the cross, emphasises that
  • a. sin is a barrier between the sinner and God.
  • b. sinners are God's enemies.
  • c. Christ's death makes peace between God and sinners.
  • d. all of the above.
  • e. b and c above.
3. The word justification, as used to describe what Christ accomplished on the cross, specifically points to
  • a. the payment of a ransom.
  • b. the idea that sinners must be saved in a way that is right.
  • c. the existence of a just legal penalty for sin.
  • d. all of the above.
  • e. b and c above.
4. The word propitiation, as used to describe what Christ accomplished on the cross, concentrates our attention on
  • a. the idea that the sinner deserves to die as a penalty for sin.
  • b. the need that sinners have for divine wrath to be turned away from them.
  • c. the sinner's bondage to sin.
  • d. all of the above.
  • e. b and c above.
Not sure of the answers? Look for the answers with explanations on Monday.
The Atonement: It's Meaning and Significance, Leon Morris.
Salvation Belongs to the Lord: An Introduction to Systematic Theology, John M. Frame.
Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem.
