Friday, July 23

God's Self-Existence


There is inexhaustible meaning wrapped up in that short statement by God to Moses. One of the things it points to is God's independence, or self-existence. He is in a constant state of being, and so has no beginning or end. If God has no beginning or end, then He cannot be dependent on anything outside of Himself for His existence. He must be the one uncaused cause.

Our God "has life in Himself" (John 5:26), and this "from-Himself-ness" extends to all that He is. No one can be God's counselor (Romans 8:34), because He is independent as to His thinking. He is independent, as well, as to what He wills, working "all things after the counsel of His will." (Ephesians 1:11). He also has the power within Himself to work this independent will, doing whatever pleases Him (Psalm 115:3).

That God is self-existent also means that nothing can add anything to Him. Creation adds nothing to God. His glory is revealed in creation, but it does not add to His glory. God has need of nothing from anything outside of Himself, for He is not
served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He himself gives to all life and breath and all things... (Acts 17:25)
This verse from Acts brings up the complete otherness of God's self-existence. He needs nothing from us, but exists wholly of Himself. We, however, depend on Him for everything. We have not even a smidgeon of self-existence. Everything we have and our life itself we derive from God. It all comes from Him. It is in Him that "we live and move and have our being." (Acts 17:28)

We are completely dependent, completely derivative; He is completely independent and the only underived being--the One who exists from Himself, the "I AM THAT I AM."

What should our response be to God's self-existence? First of all, we ought to be fully awed at what He is, and His complete otherness from what we are. How can we feel anything but humility before the "I AM"? We also need to acknowledge our utter dependence on Him for absolutely everything, and respond with thankfulness for everything we are and have. And we can have absolute confidence in the stability of our God, and be sure that His promises to us will be kept, for He is not depending on anything outside Himself to fulfill His word.