Saturday, August 28

Weekend Reading Recommendations

Another busy Saturday, without much time for blogging, but I have gathered together a few links to posts that are all related in some way to work, labour, calling, service, or vocation--on doing our jobs.

Jeri of Sober Minded makes some good points about the priorities of women who are married. She writes:
So I came to understand that when you marry--and marriage is a good thing, and God-given, and the best thing for most of us--you are "allowed" (expected!) by the Lord to change in your pursuits of former interests (yes, even those God-given gifts and talents!) to the extent you must, in order to properly devote yourself to your family and the care of your household.
If you want to know how she comes to that conclusion, you'll have to read the article.

Next, Texas Bill (I wonder if he minds when I call him that...) of Minas Tirith posts notes from a talk given by Darwin Jordan, the senior pastor of his church, concerning work. One of the things Bill learned was this:
any good work that we're doing glorifies God because it imitates him
So when I made applesauce, I was doing the work of providing for my family, imitating God's work of provision. Somehow, it becomes a little more fun to do my work when I think of it that way.

Then the Jollyblogger has two related posts on the subject of service (or work), and just what exactly the role of someone who has his job ought to be.
...the New Testament pattern is not that the people support the pastor's ministry, it is that the pastor support the ministry of the people. The pastor is the equipper, the people are the ministers, according to Ephesians 4.
Good stuff.

And last, Tim Challies writes about what "dignified labour" really is. From Tim:
Dignfied labour is labour done for the Lord. Giving an honest day's work, whether it is as a a pastor, a homemaker, a labourer or a youth worker in a detention centre is as dignified as one can be. Being a good employee and honoring God through your work - that is God's recipe for dignity, success and joyfulness.

Now, just for fun, I've got a recommendation for reading on a whole nuther subject. The Crusty Curmudgeon writes on the Church of the Holy Horseshoe. Yes, the conversation he refers to really does exist on the Baptist Board. I saw it there myself yesterday, and the Curmudgeous One has taken the idea that started the whole discussion to it's illogical conclusion. Read it!