Wednesday, March 2

Round the Sphere Again

  • Catez of Allthings2all examines Xenotransplants, giving us examples of how they are used and what the concerns are. She'd also like to hear from you if you have a theological or biblical viewpoint on the ethics of the issue. There is definitely an ickiness factor in the idea, but I'm not sure that means much. I bet blood transfusions once had an ickiness factor as well, but that didn't mean they were wrong. I don't know of any relevant texts in the Bible, either. Do you?

  • It's the Christian Carnival Soap Opera version. Go check it out at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet.

  • The doctor writes about Dancing with Death, and puts things in perspective for us.
    Our discomfort with death is our confusion about life. Man is the only species cognizant of his coming demise -- who then, in the ultimate paradox, lives his entire life pretending it will not happen. Our Western culture, enriched with a wealth of distractions, allows us to pass our living years without preparing for the inevitable. When the time arrives, we use all the weapons at our disposal -- wealth, technology, information, law -- to resist the dragon. We drive it back for a time -- at enormous cost, personal, financial, physical and emotional. Death always wins -- always.
    (I hesitated to link this post because so many are blogging on Terri Shiavo, and someone might interpret my linking this as making a statement about her case. I'm not. The cases used as examples in this piece are different than Terri's. For one thing, these two people were in the process of dying.)

  • Tim Challies is studying Proverbs again this March--one chapter per day.

  • GodBlogCon 2005 will be held October 13th through 15th at Biola University. I would love to go, but there are a couple of things I'll need to work out first, like citizenship issues.

  • If you've been following the Canadian Tire sponsorship saga, did you see there's been another update? Read the very latest response from Canadian Tire wherein they explain why they are so confused.

    [Update: I guess I'm not the only one befuddled over this. More from Canada Family Action Coalition.]

  • highlights three new blogs in his latest Out of the Wilderness Showcase.
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