Christian Carnival: This Week's Entry Info
Send your submission to the Christian Carnival email address: ChristianCarnival [ATT] gmail [DOTT] com. In your email include
the name of your blog
the URL of your blog
the title of your post
the URL of your post
a short description of your post
Tuesday at midnight EST is usually the deadline for this week's Christian Carnival entries, but this week the host says that he'll accept entries until 8AM EST on Wednesday (June 15). Send your submission in as soon as possible, though, because that makes things easier for the host.
Expect to see the Carnival posted midmorning on Wednesday (June 15) at Daddypundit.
You can find more detailed participation instructions here.
Tuesday at midnight EST is usually the deadline for this week's Christian Carnival entries, but this week the host says that he'll accept entries until 8AM EST on Wednesday (June 15). Send your submission in as soon as possible, though, because that makes things easier for the host.
Expect to see the Carnival posted midmorning on Wednesday (June 15) at Daddypundit.
You can find more detailed participation instructions here.
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