Tuesday, October 25

Charles Spurgeon Quote: My Choice

The finite mind of man cannot constantly be occupied, if it is to engage in other pursuits, with any one thought; but the gigantic mind of God can allow a million trains of thought at once. He is not confined to thinking of one thing, or working out one problem at a time. He is the great many-handed, many-eyed God, he doeth all things, and meditateth upon all things, and worketh all things at the same time; therefore he never is called away by any urgent business so that he can forget you.

October has been officially declared Charles Spurgeon Quote Month on this blog. Do you have a favorite quote from the "Prince of Preachers" that you'd like to see featured? If you do, you'd better hop right to it, because there's less than a week left in the month. You can either put your quote in the comments or email it to me and I'll post it sometime during what's left of October. Better yet, post it on your blog and send me the link and I'll link back to you.