Thursday, October 6
- Yukon Wildflowers
- Called According to Paul
- Hebrews 11
- Attributes of God
- Purposes of Christ's Death
- His Workmanship: Ephesians 2:1-10
- Aberrant Atonement Theories: Divine Blood
- Aberrant Atonement Theories: Universally Effective Atonement
- Round the Sphere Again
- Charles Spurgeon Quote: Reader's Choice
- Charles Spurgeon Quote: Reader's Choice
- By Faith the Rest, Part 1
- I Love It When Quizzes Overestimate My Abilities
- Don't Forget the Christian Carnival Entry Deadline
- Charles Spurgeon Quote: Reader's Choice
- October's Theme: Charles Spurgeon Quote Month
- Sunday's Hymn: We Give Thee But Thine Own
- Poor Man's Gold
....from way up north about the things that interest her most: her family, her life in the Yukon, and matters of faith and theology.
....not only are her theological posts challenging and educating, her series about whatever interests her at the moment are a gold mine of information...---Kim of Hiraeth
Everything good you've heard is true, and more. ---Matt Gumm
...for [massive traffic to your blog], you'll need linkage from ....this lady....---Carla Rolfe of Reflections of the Times
....she isn't just any old female theologian; she's also a domestic diva.---Kim of The Upward Call
....religious fallacies and idioacy aside, there seems to be alot of interesting information.... ---Homopope
Rebecca Writes is a blog that defies pigeonholing. ---Mr. Dumpling
.... good-humored [Calvinist], which I used to think was an oxymoron! ---Mr. Standfast
...if I could recommend one, and only one, blog to people that would edify them the most, I would have a difficult time choosing any other than Rebecca's.
....probably my favorite "Theology for Girls" blog around... ---Tulipgirl
There is a warmth and lightness ....that I always appreciate. I mean lightness of being - not lightness of content! ---Catez of Allthings2all
Her clear writing, lucid thinking and sharp usage of the Word has placed her on my Great Reads list. ---The Bible Archive
I thank Rebecca for making the reproduction of historic church documents cool... ---CoffeeSwirls
Everything good you've heard is true, and more. ---Matt Gumm
...for [massive traffic to your blog], you'll need linkage from ....this lady....---Carla Rolfe of Reflections of the Times
....she isn't just any old female theologian; she's also a domestic diva.---Kim of The Upward Call
....religious fallacies and idioacy aside, there seems to be alot of interesting information.... ---Homopope
Rebecca Writes is a blog that defies pigeonholing. ---Mr. Dumpling
.... good-humored [Calvinist], which I used to think was an oxymoron! ---Mr. Standfast
...if I could recommend one, and only one, blog to people that would edify them the most, I would have a difficult time choosing any other than Rebecca's.
....probably my favorite "Theology for Girls" blog around... ---Tulipgirl
There is a warmth and lightness ....that I always appreciate. I mean lightness of being - not lightness of content! ---Catez of Allthings2all
Her clear writing, lucid thinking and sharp usage of the Word has placed her on my Great Reads list. ---The Bible Archive
I thank Rebecca for making the reproduction of historic church documents cool... ---CoffeeSwirls
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