Friday, April 29

More on Theology for Girls

  • At Reflections of the Times, Carla responds to a commenter who said she was out of order for discussing doctrinal issues. Go Carla!

  • Kim of The Upward Call composes a poem about The Woman of Theology.

  • Okay girls, we can order our matching t-shirts with this message on the front here.

    Unfortunately, they don't come in pink.

    Theology is the science of living blessedly forever.

    I must say! I quite like that.

    Time for me to go. The venerable dead are waiting in my library to entertain me and relieve me from the nonsense of surviving mortals. (A Samuel Davies quote scarfed from another t-shirt at A Puritan's Mind.)

    [Update: There's an even more appropriate t-shirt for me among A Puritan's Mind's offerings. Can you spot it?]
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