That's a Good Question!

Every once in a while I like to check the search queries that lead people to this blog. Yesterday, besides learning that I am number one out of only six entries returned for a Google search of the phrase "Oh the moon in june is a big balloon", I found an interesting query in the form of a question, and it was a question that I'm not sure I know the answer for. How about you? Can you help?
Here's the query: hymn "solid rock" - what does frame mean.
So, as I take it, the questioner is asking what the word frame in the hymn The Solid Rock means. (And by the way, that isn't the real title to that hymn, even though that'd be what I'd call it, too. The absolutely correct title is My Hope is Built. But I'm way off-track!) To put the word in context and jog your memory, here's the first verse of the hymn by Edward Mote:
And while we're on the subject, are there any words to hymns that leave you confused as to their meaning? What hymn word or meaning related questions do have? Let's make a list of questions and (hopefully) answers to them.
As usual, I'll start things off in the list, first with the anonymous question from the search query and then with one of my own.
Update 2: I think I'll make a separate post with the answers (or suggested answers) to each of these questions, since putting the answers in this post would probably make things more confusing. Meanwhile, if you have additional questions, please ask them. The more the merrier, right?
Tags: hymns, hymn lyrics
Here's the query: hymn "solid rock" - what does frame mean.
So, as I take it, the questioner is asking what the word frame in the hymn The Solid Rock means. (And by the way, that isn't the real title to that hymn, even though that'd be what I'd call it, too. The absolutely correct title is My Hope is Built. But I'm way off-track!) To put the word in context and jog your memory, here's the first verse of the hymn by Edward Mote:
My hope is built on nothing lessNeed a little more help? Here are the definitions of frame from the online dictionary at I'd always assumed that frame was poetic shorthand for frame of mind, but I'm not sure that that's the case. What say ye?
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus' Name.
And while we're on the subject, are there any words to hymns that leave you confused as to their meaning? What hymn word or meaning related questions do have? Let's make a list of questions and (hopefully) answers to them.
As usual, I'll start things off in the list, first with the anonymous question from the search query and then with one of my own.
- What is the meaning of the word frame in the hymn The Solid Rock? Update 3: I've posted the possible answers that commenters have given for this question in a separate post.
- Yesterday in church we sang Isaac Watt's hymn Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed? Our hymnal changes the words such a worm as I to sinners such as I. (So does the Cyber Hymnal, but you'll also find the original words noted.) What do you think is the reasoning behind the change? An objection to the theology underlying the original wording? A fear that people wouldn't understand the worm imagery? To keep kids from giggling? Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure I'm against it! Update 4: A discussion of this question is now posted.
- Update: Hal brings up the question of the meaning of the word Ebenezer in Come Thou Fount. Update 5: Discussion of this question is posted in My Ebenezer.
Update 2: I think I'll make a separate post with the answers (or suggested answers) to each of these questions, since putting the answers in this post would probably make things more confusing. Meanwhile, if you have additional questions, please ask them. The more the merrier, right?
Tags: hymns, hymn lyrics
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